Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

This is the mirror file for Google Earth Linux, which you can freely download at Indowebster (Indonesian server mirror download). Google has been released Google Earth for Linux platform (now was reach version 5). Usually people using Wine to install Google Earth for Windows on Linux machine.

To installing it, download the program from link which I provide (or you can go to official site to always get the latest version). Use terminal and move to your downloaded program directory (a folder where you put the downloaded file). There will be contain a file named “GoogleEarthLinux.bin”.

Type this on terminal
sudo su
You’ll be prompted to enter your root password. Then type this:
sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin

Next, the rest of the install is self explanatory. You’ll be prompted to choose installation directory. Just click “begin install” to continuing it at default directory.


Other way to install it you can check this link.


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